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Kotlin Weekly #-416!

[SPONSORED] Supercharge Your Money with the Financial Router Sequence ( Sequence, the world’s 1st Financial Router, connects all your bank accounts, credit cards, savings, and investments on an intuitive money map. Create automations with smart rules and IF statements, and execute your strategy directly from the platform to manage your finances.

Xcode-Kotlin 2.0 Release ( There has been huge improvements to Kotlin Multiplatform debugging in Xcode. Check out this article from Touchlab with more info on the Xcode-Kotlin new release.

Harnessing the Power of Kotlin Multiplatform: Combining Native and Shared UIs ( Did you wonder how to combine both Native and Shared UI in Kotlin Multiplatform? Rich Woolcott wrote an article providing some tips.

I declare… Dependencies! ( This article by Kerry Bisset talks about injecting dependencies with Koin in runtime scenarios.

Seamless Room Database Integration for Kotlin Multiplatform Projects ( Folks at PSPDFKit explore in this article the process of integrating the Room database library into Kotlin Multiplatform projects with ease and efficiency.

Mastering Date and Time Management in iOS with Kotlinx DateTime: A Step-by-Step Guide ( This article provides step-by-step instructions on seamlessly transitioning between Swift and Kotlin, focusing on managing date and time functionalities using Kotlinx DateTime in iOS apps.

Variance (in & out) in Kotlin Explained ( Michal Ankiersztajn navigates around the keywords in and out in Kotlin.

Coroutine Cancellation and Timeouts ( Kotlin coroutines can be cancelled to manage resources effectively. Tanya Arora goes in detail in this article.

Implementing Interfaces with Method Maps ( On his new video, Duncan McGregor discusses expanding the adjacent possible in software design through refactoring code to discard coroutine continuation parameters.

Kotlin Multiplatform at Google I/O with Marcello Galhardo ( Nico Corti talks with Marcello Galhardo about Google efforts to add Kotlin Multiplatform support for several popular AndroidX libraries.


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Thanks to JetBrains for their support!


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